James Wedmore’s BONUSES for The Affluence Blueprint Members!

For The Entrepreneur Ready to Create REAL and Lasting Wealth:

when you Join Mel Abraham’s The Affluence Blueprint today, you'll Get My ‘Passive Income with AirBNB’s’ Training!  
...plus  my exclusive ‘Dissolve Your Biggest Money Blocks’ Workshop ABSOLUTELY FREE!

Wealth Creation is the Path To Ultimate Freedom. And in Order to Create Wealth, You Need an Investment Vehicle:

Learn How I Built a $750k/Year AirBNB Business in Under 18 Months That Takes Me Less Than 30 Minutes/Week to Manage:

The Affluence Blueprint: Mel Abraham’s Wealth Creation Training Program is OPEN NOW... but just for a few days!

Enroll TODAY and You’ll Also Receive 5 Gifts From Me Absolutely FREE, Including My Complete AirBNB Training System and Dissolve Your Biggest Money Blocks Workshop


When you Enroll in The Affluence Blueprint, you will...

Identify the Affluence Plan that will get you to your Unique Liberation Number!

Discover 8 ways to scale your income NOW + keep MORE of it in your pocket!

Track your Weekly Wealth Progress with your Affluent Entrepreneur Scorecard™!

Learn how to assemble and lead your own Wealth Creation Team!

Understand the rules of investing and how to evaluate investments!

Build your fortress to protect your wealth, your assets, and your dreams!

How Mel Abraham Changed My Life and MY Business...

I can’t really say too many people have had the same level of impact on my life and business like Mel did. That’s because Mel helped me get out of a viciousc cycle I call:

Goal Addiction.

Goal Addicition is where your entire life or business simply revolved about doing more and bigger. You create a goal. You hit it. And then you say, great, let’s go for more. And then you do. And the cycle continues.

Eventually you begin to question EVERYTHING. Sound familiar?

“What’s the point?”

“Why do I even want more? Bigger?

“Is that the goal? To just do bigger sales months? Bigger launches?

“To what end?”

Mel changed all that for me, when I realized in an instant: it’s not just about making more, but rather, it’s about what you DO with what you’ve already made.

My focus shifted overnight from “more sales” to “more wealth.” The change felt instantaneous, like a total floor tilt. It was a completely NEW GAME. And one I was excited about playing. Especially once I realized It didn’t take MORE to get started. You too can start where you’re at RIGHT NOW. 

How DO you get your money To work for you?

I promise it takes less than you think. 


When Mel says, your business doesn’t create FREEDOM, your Wealth System does…

I’m living proof of that TRUTH.


Since I built my AirBNB Passive Income stream, my primary business feels “lighter.” My main business is something I GET TO do from a place of joy and service, never something I HAVE TO do.

Turns out it’s a pretty funny cosmic joke... the less you have to do something, the more money you’ll make from it. 

How I Built my $750k a year passive income Vehicle

Growing up in California, both of my parents enjoyed successful careers in real estate for 30+ years. I’m fortunate to have a front row seat to the consistency and security Real Estate can provide as an Investment Vehicle. You can imagine the “perks” are obvious when you choose Real Estate as a path to Wealth Creation...


A HOME is something physical YOU own! (There’s something deeply satisfying about that.)


People ALWAYS need a place to live… So, long term uptrends of appreciation are consistent and dependable.

You have control and influence over the VALUE of your home. When you directly invest in the improvement of a property and see a strong ROI from all your efforts…It's a GREAT feeling.

PLUS, generating revenue from the appreciation of your home alone is as close as it gets to “having your cake and eating it too!”

There are multiple ways to create cash flow NOW including long term and short term rental opportunities!

How I struck gold with short term rentals!

Truth be told, I never planned on getting into AirBNB or Short Term Rentals... As a concept, the industry felt downright crazy to me. “People actually make good money letting strangers sleep in their homes?! Show me the MATH!”


But I did loooooove Sedona. And since I was already visiting the town 3-4 times per year, I found myself racking my brain for creative ways to save money during my trips. Purchasing a home I could rent out seemed like the practical solution. I would save on hotel fees and guests could help cover the mortgage in my absence... Perfect.


Then...I did the MATH.


My jaw dropped when I realized just how much money could be made off just a single AirBNB! We are talking 3 to 6 times the mortgage... WHAT!?


So, ya I bought one. I paid $560,000 for my first property, and put enough down to get my mortgage to roughly $1,700 per month. 


In my very first month on AirBNB, I generated over $9,500 in bookings!




Something was obviously working, so I replicated my system and purchased 3 additional properties.


Today, I do over $750,000 in total bookings a year!


Now, I know what you might be thinking.


Surely, that doesn’t work for everyone.


You’re onto something. There are a handful of things I do differently than most...


One of them is math. Another is vetting. There are certain “AirBNB” House Qualities I Look for that traditional home buyers might glance over…or at least not consider a “make or break.”


I’m about to let you in on ALL my hard won knowledge. Some of it came intuitively and some I learned the hard way (so you won’t have to)...

Getting Your First AirBNB Set Up is as Simple as 1... 2... 3!





The Property


The Property


The Property

Your first phase is all about getting the right property. If you’re starting from scratch, that’s going to come down to 3 steps:

1. Choose the Right Market

2. Find the Property

3. Make the Deal

Your next step is getting the property ready for listing on AirBNB. This includes:

1. Repairs and Remodeling

2. Furnishing

3. Setting Up the Right Systems in the Home

The Final Phase is managing the property and your guests. This phase includes:

1. Creating and Optimizing Your Listing

2. Managing Guests

3. Managing the Property

With These 3 Phases in Mind, I’ve Broken my AirBNB Training Program out into 6 Modules:

Module 1: Choosing The Right Market

I’ll take you through my EXACT process for identifying the right city for picking your first AirBNB, including what numbers to look for and the research software I personally use.

Module 2: Choosing The Right Property

Learn how to run the numbers to identify the MOST profitable property for YOU!

Module 3: How to Make A GREAT Deal

Discover some of my best practices for making and closing your first real estate deal, so you can navigate the entire process with confidence!

Module 4: Renovating the Property

Get tips and tricks on how to furnish your property, how to renovate both on time and on budget + What (and what NOT) to renovate!

Module 5: Listing The Property on AirBNB

My tips and suggestions for How to Create an Optimized AirBNB Profile for maximum exposure and high conversions!

Module 6: Managing & Automating the Property

The software and systems I’ve put in place to automate my entire AirBNB business! Welcome to your auto-pilot control center…

Why The ONLY Way You Can Get Your Hands on This Training is RIGHT HERE!

My Complete AirBNB Training has a course value of over $2,000 and it’s ONLY available HERE …entirely FREE. 


WHY? Because I value Mel’s coaching so wholeheartedly, I know HIS audience is the EXACT right one for this material. 


I want those who are serious about benefiting from this knowledge to have it. 


Passion projects are like that. If you’re here, you already know the blood, sweat and tears that go into nurturing a project from the ground up. So...


...it’s yours free when you invest in Mel Abraham’s Wealth Creation Training: The Affluence Blueprint!

Plus Join Our Exclusive 2-Hour LIVE Workshop on

‘Dissolve Your Biggest Money Blocks’ 

Now, I’ve never done this before…and I may NEVER do it again. For Mel’s audience ONLY, I’m offering an Exclusive 2-Hour LIVE Workshop designed to get your mind exactly where it needs to be to receive abundance. Imagine being able to pinpoint exactly what limiting beliefs are holding you back…around making money? Rip them out like a weed…and replace them with magnetic, abundant energy. That would feel like magic, right? Well, it’s actually a science. Using powerful neuro-linguistic tools, this first-ever workshop is built to harness the power of scientific principles to reboot your money mindset and fundamentally shift the way you relate to money. And here’s why this is a perfect-o primer to the gems waiting for you inside Mel’s course…

So often, entrepreneurs think they’re in an abundant mindset, but their subconscious mind is actually overriding their ability to manifest BIG change in their life, their business, their bank account. We all have limiting beliefs stemming from childhood experience, underlying fears, and scarcity culture that block the free flow of abundance into our life. And limiting beliefs around money are some of the most common. One of the most powerful ways to really start making the money that you want is to identify what beliefs you are living into…and start replacing them with something more powerful.

This workshop is designed to do exactly that — create new pathways in line with your highest vibration so that you can make-over your mindset and hit reset on your relationship to money…

Here's what you can expect:

Money Mindset Powercharge Gain insight into your subconscious beliefs and understand their origins, allowing you to identify and eliminate the blocks that hold you back.

Abundance Alignment Discover how to tune your conscious and subconscious mind to the frequency of abundance, so you can effortlessly attract and KEEP true wealth in your life.

Personal Breakthrough This LIVE, participatory workshop is designed to empower you with actionable strategies, so you walk away with a breakthrough aka ready to transform your financial future NOW.

But That’s Not All! You’re Receiving 5 Additional Gifts From Me Valuing Over $2,335

Live Q/A Call with Mel Abraham Himself! ($997)

I’ve also convinced Mel to join a BONUS LIVE Q&A call where you can ask us any question you have about your personal business, real estate, wealth or investing strategy in an intimate format!

How to Overcome Your Client’s Money Blocks to Get the Sale with James’ Objection Busting Masterclass (video recording and PDF) ($297)

My Objection Busting Masterclass is especially designed to equip entrepreneurs with the tools to tackle objections head-on. In this course and accompanying PDF, I deepdive into why objections aren't a definitive "NO" and how you can empower potential clients to overcome common objections…including the most common one of all — Money. START reaching the people who need your product now and bypass the limiting constraints that keep them from clicking add to cart.

Affirmations for Abundance Digital card Deck ($47)

Introducing the exclusive Digital Abundance Card Deck, designed just for you. With 77 powerful affirmations and mantras, this brand-new tool is your daily invitation to draw more abundance into your life. When you shuffle the deck on your laptop or device and draw a card with a thought of the day, you’ll instantly place yourself in a more mindful state to train your brain to effortlessly sync with the frequency of abundance. Use it before bed, with your morning coffee or when you need a quick boost of positive energy…

How to Understand Your Numbers in Your Business Workshop ($497)

Is your math math-ing? In this LIVE Bonus workshop, I’m not just laying out the most important MATH for your launch; I’m guiding you through the story they tell. Interpreting that story is the key to growing your business. When you know exactly what numbers to look at, how to measure them, and how to interpret what they actually mean…you’ll be even more empowered to make data driven decisions that move the needle!

7 Launch Enhancements That Generated Our Biggest Launch Ever ($497)

Micro-adjustments can have a profound impact on your bottom line. I’m pulling back the curtain on the biggest launch I’ve ever done in 16 years of business…and delivering the exact playbook of seven game-changing enhancements that propelled our revenue by a staggering $2 million this year. These are small, actionable tweaks you can apply and integrate into your existing approach to boost your business without the need for a complete strategy reboot.

When You Enroll in Mel Abraham’s Wealth Creation Training Program: The Affluence Blueprint...

You’ll Also Receive $5,332 Gifts From Me Absolutely FREE, Including My Complete AirBNB Training System and Dissolve Your Biggest Money Blocks Workshop!

Create wealth with an investment vehicle.
Click the button below to get started.

How to Access Your Bonuses







Enroll in The Affluence Blueprint Today using the link on this page.

Once you sign-up,

forward your Welcome Email to [email protected].

My support team will email you back with access to your bonus package.

I am an AFFILIATE for The Affluence Blueprint. This means, if you decide to purchase The Affluence Blueprint through the links on this page, I get paid a commission. With that being said, I ONLY promote products and people that I use, trust and stake my reputation on. Mel Abraham is no exception.

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